Now until the End

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Everything Is Upside Down

Below is a poem I remember encountering about ten years ago.  Recent events and people’s opinions have triggered my memory of it :

“Just look at us.
Everything is backwards,
everything is upside down.
Doctors destroy health,
lawyers destroy justice,
psychiatrists destroy minds,
scientists destroy truth,
major media destroys information,
religions destroy spirituality
and governments destroy freedom.”
-Michael Ellner

Currently, with so much fear there is an increased polarity of views, so much so, that many may empathise with Michael Ellner’s poem.  We are living in strange and worrying times.

Truth Wars

During my walk with Edison on 11/05/20 I provide an update on the proposed changes to the Lockdown & the conflicting information & opinion on the subject.

In the video I mention the connection between the large corporations of Google, (including Youtube) and Facebook (which owns Whatsapp),  to state departments in the United States such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency).  There are numerous articles available online about this and certainly both corporations have considerable power to censor any information which breaches their guidelines.  The deletion of David Icke’s Youtube channel and, Facebook page as well as removal of the ‘Plandemic’ documentary are very recent examples of this.

I also refer to the financial benefits for medical facilities in the United States.  Medicare has determined that a hospital gets $13,000 if a Covid-19 patient is admitted and an additional $39,000 if the patient goes on a ventilator.  This combined with the experience a colleague of mine had of a family member dying from cancer after testing negative for Covid-19, yet being diagnosed as dying from Covid-19 on their death certificate is bewildering.

Overall, there is a great deal of information and misinformation about the subject resulting in great differences in people’s opinions.  As the lockdown measures slowly ease, confusion and differences in opinion are likely to increase, at a time when people’s freedom of speech may further decline.

As I mention in the video, please don’t take my opinion to be the truth, do your own research and then decide what feels right to you.  Please let me know any comments you have on this subject.

The Cost Of Lockdown

During a walk with my son Edison on 02/05/20 I talk about the United Kingdom lockdown and the impact it will have on people’s lives in the future.

Here is the quote I mention in the video:

“Those who would give up essential Liberty,
to purchase a little temporary safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”
– Benjamin Franklin

In the short term we may now seem some loosening of the Lockdown measures; although more authoritarian and tighter top-down government control can be expected.  It seems likely that the cost of this Lockdown will be felt for many years.

The Vaccine & The Mark Of The Beast

During a walk with my son Edison on 26/04/20 I talk about how the biblical prophecy of the Revelation is unfolding through current events.

“… so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.  This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.”

Revelation 13:17-18

The Microsoft patent I mention in the video is WO2020060606 which is a cryptocurrency system using body activity data – more information can be found at the below site:

Is the Revelation unfolding?  Please let me know your thoughts and comments on this subject.

Lockdown & The Power Of The Mind

During an evening stroll with my son Edison on 23/04/20 I provide an update on the United Kingdom (UK) lockdown and share some advice which is shaping my outlook.

“Out of all the problems there are in the world, including today, nothing comes close to your own mind for causing you problems.”
Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante

This week we have seen negative oil prices and continuing reports about a new ‘Digital Dollar’.  Are we seeing the collapse of the Petrodollar?  Will it be replaced by a new digital currency?

Furthermore,  World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director David Beasley yesterday warned “We could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months”.  Events are regularly taking place at a pace few would have ever predicted, we must look after ourselves and our families now more than ever.

Until next time…

Walking With Edison 18/04/20

During a walk along the river bank with my son Edison on 18/04/20 I talk about my feelings on current events.

The Israeli Doctor I was referring to in the video was actually a Professor, Yitzhak Ben-Israel who told the Jewish Journal:

“Both in countries where they have taken closure steps, like Italy and in countries that have not had closures, like Taiwan or Singapore.  In such countries, there is an increase until the fourth to sixth week, and immediately thereafter, moderation until during the eighth week, it disappears*.

Taken from: on 18/04/20.

The Immorality Of War

I wrote in a previous post about my enrolment in an online course by World Beyond War and why I believe war can be ended.  Having studied the content from week two I shall now commentate on the reasons why war is immoral.

To start I shall quote the Cambridge Dictionary definition of immoral:  “Morally wrong, or outside society’s standards of acceptable, honest and moral behaviour”.  Frequently actions classed as unacceptable in everyday, peacetime life are judged differently in the name of war; this post will explore this further.

Perhaps the reason why people judge things differently is because they feel that war is horrible but necessary; however if war endangers people rather than protecting them that argument fails.  The war in Iraq has been fought in the name of protecting citizens freedoms but has destabilized Iraq internally, created regional tensions and generated widespread resentment for the United States. As a result the threat of future generations in Iraq and the Middle East being exposed to an environment conducive for extremism (such as that taken advantage of by ISIS) has arguably increased terrorism.  This is the opposite result of the stated one of making the United States safer.  Other countries (Spain and the United Kingdom come to mind) have also been targeted by terrorist groups for supporting military interventions in the Middle East.

The argument is also made that war is necessary because the ‘evil’ is threatening your life.  However the threat is often not realistic as the opposition do not have the capacity or intention to invade, occupy the country and restrict people’s freedoms.  Furthermore when wars are in response to a threat, often the reaction is disproportionate; taking over a country’s resources and occupying its cities can be judged as an inappropriate reaction to the original, perceived threat.  David Swanson, Director of World Beyond War states “Sometimes we’re told that evil people are going to blow us up because they hate our freedoms.  But then, that would still mean we were fighting a war for survival, not for freedom—if there were any truth to this absurd propaganda, which there is not”.  Lives of citizens may be threatened by the use of a nuclear or chemical weapon but does this justify a military occupation affecting hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians?

As Swanson explains in the course material there are no upsides to war; draining resources and causing more intense damage than we are led to believe.  In our everyday lives murder is rightly seen as an unacceptable act, yet is viewed to be acceptable in war where it takes place on a large scale.  Our moral thinking has been overcome by by a false, romanticised version of war where we permit murder without hardly a second thought.

Perhaps war is considered to be acceptable because of the belief that it is only the ‘evil’ that suffers in war – yet that is not the case.  The question is posed, what if you learned that most of the people killed by U.S. drones are civilians?  There is also the impact (not often reported) on the civilians who have been traumatised, rendered homeless, injured or had their homes damaged.  The negative impact of war also goes beyond direct conflict:  The top killer of members of US military in some recent years has been suicide and there is great damage caused by the psychological impact of war.  Post traumatic stress disorder impacts not only on the combatants but their relationships with their families and friends.  Studies have also shown racial hatred has risen during and following wars. Xenophobia, bigotry and racism are needed for the propaganda of wars and impacts on the social cohesion of communities at home and abroad.

There are numerous negative effects of war which is marketed under the banner of freedom; yet, bewilderingly, freedoms are lost in war in the name of the war.  Loss of privacy, rations, curfews, travel restrictions, increased government secrecy and conscription (the compulsory enrolment of people into military service) demonstrates that war erodes freedom.

Furthermore David Swanson articulates: “The idea that incredible suffering and evil actions can be justified as means for noble and desirable ends needs to be reconsidered”; instead, he contends, the heroism which is associated with violence needs to be redefined as being strong enough to stand up for morality – peace and no war.  This is a difficult feat as it requires a contrary argument to the glorification of war seen in movies such as the recent box office hit ‘1917’.  This new recognition of morality is required as an enduring peace will not come about by war, as David Icke has said “you don’t fight for peace, you peace for peace”.

An additional important point is made that is a focus for World Beyond War: the number one way in which war kills is by taking funding away from life-saving activities.  If the United States had taken five trillion dollars, and—instead of spending it destroying Iraq—had chosen to do good with it, at home or abroad, just imagine the possibilities.  The course material offers the question: ‘The United Nations thinks $30 billion a year would end world hunger.  For $5 trillion, why not end world hunger for 167 years?’.  The lives not saved are even more than the lives taken away by war spending.  This information combined with the work of the Global Peace Index (which measures the economic value of peace) could solve many of the world’ s problems.  It is hoped that if governments became aware of this information, there would be different outcomes instead of war.

Overall, war is a series of actions and behaviours that have devastating and catastrophic consequences.  By supporting wars and promoting the heroic ideals of war we are serving to encourage the murder of civilians, injuries and damage to people’s homes – actions we would usually consider as immoral and unacceptable.  By looking objectively at the reasons we are told to justify war we can see that the arguments do not hold weight.  Our society prides itself on being fair and just yet our principles of right and wrong are neglected when it comes to war.   An example of how out of touch with morality is how some legal professors will argue that drone kills are murder if not “in a war” but fine if “in a war”?  “War is a crime not because of who commits it but because of what it is” (Swanson).  Once enough people become aware of this, support for the use of war as a method to resolve conflict will greatly diminish.  When this happens a world beyond war will become more possible.

More information about World Beyond War can be found on their website

Walking With Edison 12/04/20

During an afternoon stroll along the river on 12/04/20 with my son Edison I ponder how long the UK lockdown will continue for.

N.B.  In the video I referred to the date as 22/04/20 rather than 12/04/20.

Rethinking Covid-19

As the period of lockdown in the United Kingdom (UK) reaches the end of its third week and subsequent government review, many alternative ideas have been shared on social media about its origins as well as the statistics involving the number of cases and death rate.  Please note I am not endorsing or denying these ideas but raising them as alternatives to the ideas in the mainstream media.  I encourage people to do their own research on the subject and only believe what feels right to them.

First there have been a series of videos about what a virus is and how it starts.  One video includes part of a lecture by Dr. Thomas Cowan who quotes Rudolf Steiner in 1918: “Viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell” .  The video explains that a virus occurs when a cell is poisoned which results in exosomes being released as a natural immune system response.  The claim is that viruses are not transferable by human interaction which leads onto the conclusions of Alfred Firstenberg that flu pandemics have occurred at times of changes in the world’s electromagnetism.  Thus, the Spanish Flu of 1918 was a response to the worldwide rollout of electricity, the 1968 Hong Kong virus was a reaction to the first satellites in the ozone layer and the 2020 coronavirus pandemic a reaction to the 20,000 radiation satellites launched into the earth’s field to support the launch of 5G.  Cowan concludes his point by claiming that Wuhan was the first city to be blanketed in 5G.  (Some people claim the first city was Shanghai yet Wuhan is one of the early adopters).

5G is the fifth generation of wireless communication technology and United States (US) President Donald Trump recently compared the rush to implemention with the space race and as a result 5G has been pushed through without full, independent testing.  At a time when not enough is known about the spread of Covid-19 a sensible approach would be to stop the increased use of this technology to ensure there is no causation linked to this correlation or other affects on nature and the environment; yet this has been neglected under the precept that it (currently) ‘remains’ and is ‘still’ at a frequency which is non-ionising (although there is the capability to increase the frequency in the future).  In response there has been the first signs of social unrest with some people burning 5G towers; this has resulted in all information and videos on the topic being banned under the banner of ‘fake news’.  This has been significant and videos such as the one by Dr. Cowan have now been removed from social media sites.

We are also seeing some change in the figures which were originally presented prior to the lockdown.  Imperial College, influential advisors of the UK government and an organisation in receipt of funding from the Bill & Linda Gates Foundation, originally predicted up to 500,000 deaths in the United Kingdom yet one of it’s professors Neil Ferguson last week said it could now range between 7,000 and 20,000 – a significant reduction.  Even Dr. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and one of the United States’ most prominent medical advisors recently conceded “that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19  may ultimately be akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza” (which has a case fatality rate of 0.1%).  To date there have been 97,000 deaths worldwide and this includes the 18,000 deaths in Italy in spite of the Italian Health Ministry confirming only 3% of Coronavirus fatalities did not have other serious health complications (thus they may have died of ofher causes but also tested positive for Covid-19). Some context may be provided by the statistic from the worldometers website that there are 16,500 deaths from hunger worldwide which fails to attract the same level of attention from the media.

Interestingly, a simulation reflecting similar circumstances to what is happening took place in May 2010 in a report produced by the Rockefeller Foundation.  In the ‘Lock Step’ scenario a new influenza virus originating from geese streaked across the world infecting 20% of the world’s population.  The suggested response was a world of tighter top down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.  Innovations included scanners to detect abnormal behaviour, health screenings and restrictions on travel, all things likely to become more prominent in response to the current situation as governments increase their focus on protecting citizens.

Based on the current death rate of 0.0001% of the global population and the flaws in the original projections, some measures of the lockdown may soon be loosened; however considering the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has only left intensive care (after being diagnosed with the coronavirus) I expect the existing lockdown will continue.  Although social media has reported ‘deplorable’ people not respecting social distancing most people I see have been compliant.  Bill Gates (the second biggest donor to the World Health Organisation) claims that it might not be until Fall 2021 when Americans “can be completely safe” as it will take time to develop and deploy a global vaccine.  Thus the high levels of unemployment, financial recession/depression and world food shortages (due to supply chain inbalances) which are already having impact will likely continue.  I argue that more rational thinking is now required with decisions coming from our highest being rather than from fear.

The situation has caused governments all over the world to take a lock step approach in order to protect it’s citizens, and history has taught us that governments’ nature is to increase it’s control and surveillance power.  I expect Boris Johnson to now produce a Churchillian performance and recovery to raise spirits but the  lock step world is likely to continue with people becoming more socially conditioned to the change.

From a different perspective I recently saw that the coronavirus was predicted by a mystic, Sylvia Browne in 2008:

“In around 2020 some severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments.

” Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it has arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely”.

Even if the virus does soon disappear it’s legacy has changed society dramatically; so much, that its impact will be felt for many years.  We are living through an important time in humanity’s history, the decisions and actions we take in these moments must be chosen wisely.

The Post-Corona Organisations

Below is a list of influential international organisations likely to become more prominent in the post-Corona world.

United Nations (Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030)
World Health Organisation
International Monetary Fund
World Bank
Bilderberg Group
World Economic Forum
Rockefeller Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

I encourage anyone interested to research these organisations further.

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