Whilst hunting for the Gruffalo with my son Edison on 22/09/20 I talk about the latest lockdown measures and how ‘the video game of life’ has gone up a level.
Whilst hunting for the Gruffalo with my son Edison on 22/09/20 I talk about the latest lockdown measures and how ‘the video game of life’ has gone up a level.
Whilst taking in the view over Folkestone with my son Edison on 30/07/20 I talk about the controversy surrounding the Covid-19 death rate and a potential correlation with 5G technology.
5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32668870/
During my walk along the Greensand Way on 10/07/20 I talk about how QAnon could be the ultimate swerve, the long term effects of 5G technology and the relationship with my son Edison.
Bitchute channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/O5RdpPqQOU49/
Lbry channel: https://lbry.tv/@MILLENISM:2
Links to articles:
Effects of 5G wireless communication on human health:
Is microwaved water harmful to plants?
Reading this article, I may need to do research this for myself.
State Senator Scott Jensen says he’s being investigated by the state medical board for Covid beliefs: https://m.startribune.com/gop-legislator-under-scrutiny-over-covid-19-comments/571637602/
During my walk with my son Edison on 04/07/2020 I talk about how the future of our society may include mandatory masks, vaccines, & massive unemployment; as well as the mysterious figure Q and rumoured plans for a global financial reset.
During a walk along the river bank with my son Edison on 18/04/20 I talk about my feelings on current events.
The Israeli Doctor I was referring to in the video was actually a Professor, Yitzhak Ben-Israel who told the Jewish Journal:
“Both in countries where they have taken closure steps, like Italy and in countries that have not had closures, like Taiwan or Singapore. In such countries, there is an increase until the fourth to sixth week, and immediately thereafter, moderation until during the eighth week, it disappears*.
Taken from: https://asiatimes.com/2020/04/israeli-professor-offers-alternate-coronavirus-prediction/ on 18/04/20.
During an afternoon stroll along the river on 12/04/20 with my son Edison I ponder how long the UK lockdown will continue for.
N.B. In the video I referred to the date as 22/04/20 rather than 12/04/20.
During my walk with Edison on 03/04/20 I question whether some of the alternative information about the current situation is valid.
I take a walk around some woods close to home on 27/03/20 and discuss how people are reacting to the United Kingdom lockdown.
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