Now until the End

Tag: lockdown (page 2 of 3)

Up High In Lockdown

At the summit of Summerhouse Hill, Folkestone on 07/11/20 I update on the newly introduced national lockdown and uncertainty surrounding the US election.

The Last Of The Summer Fruit

During a late evening stroll on 22/10/2020, my son Edison enjoys the remaining blackberries of the season and I express how Covid-19 adaptations seem set to remain for the foreseeable future.

The Dark Winter

During a woodland walk with my son Edison on 17/10/2020 I talk about the latest restrictions being imposed in areas across the United Kingdom, the significance of United States President Donald Trump’s positive test for Covid-19 and speculate what the next six months may hold in store.

Hunting The Gruffalo

Whilst hunting for the Gruffalo with my son Edison on 22/09/20 I talk about the latest lockdown measures and how ‘the video game of life’ has gone up a level.

Winter Is Coming

During an evening stroll with my son Edison on 18/09/20 I update on the border health checks & the likelihood of a second lockdown.

Planning For Pandemic 2

During my walk with my son Edison on 22/08/20 I talk about how some normality to life has returned since the lockdown earlier in the year but express my concern about what may happen this winter.

Woodland Walk & Nesara Gesara

During my walk with my son Edison on 04/07/2020 I talk about how the future of our society may include mandatory masks, vaccines, & massive unemployment; as well as the mysterious figure Q and rumoured plans for a global financial reset.

Peace, Purpose & The End Of The World

During my walk through a Kentish orchard with my son Edison on 15 /06/20 I talk about the world ending on Saturday and what people can do to overcome the fear promoted by the media.

The New Social Unrest

During my walk with my son Edison on 02/06/20 I talk about how the death of George Floyd has sparked social unrest in the United States and how the government has responded with further curfews and lockdowns.

Since filming this video the United Kingdom has seen social media campaigns and public gatherings/protests in support of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ campaign.  Support has come from people of all races although looting and damage to public property has tarnished it’s impact and created hostility from others.  In short, the death of George Floyd has created social division.

This is also the first time I have used a video editor to combine two videos together.  This type of skill is something I hope to develop further in future videos.

Please let me know any comments you have on the video and subject.

Truth Wars

During my walk with Edison on 11/05/20 I provide an update on the proposed changes to the Lockdown & the conflicting information & opinion on the subject.

In the video I mention the connection between the large corporations of Google, (including Youtube) and Facebook (which owns Whatsapp),  to state departments in the United States such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency).  There are numerous articles available online about this and certainly both corporations have considerable power to censor any information which breaches their guidelines.  The deletion of David Icke’s Youtube channel and, Facebook page as well as removal of the ‘Plandemic’ documentary are very recent examples of this.

I also refer to the financial benefits for medical facilities in the United States.  Medicare has determined that a hospital gets $13,000 if a Covid-19 patient is admitted and an additional $39,000 if the patient goes on a ventilator.  This combined with the experience a colleague of mine had of a family member dying from cancer after testing negative for Covid-19, yet being diagnosed as dying from Covid-19 on their death certificate is bewildering.

Overall, there is a great deal of information and misinformation about the subject resulting in great differences in people’s opinions.  As the lockdown measures slowly ease, confusion and differences in opinion are likely to increase, at a time when people’s freedom of speech may further decline.

As I mention in the video, please don’t take my opinion to be the truth, do your own research and then decide what feels right to you.  Please let me know any comments you have on this subject.

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