During my walk with my son Edison on 04/07/2020 I talk about how the future of our society may include mandatory masks, vaccines, & massive unemployment; as well as the mysterious figure Q and rumoured plans for a global financial reset.
During my walk with my son Edison on 04/07/2020 I talk about how the future of our society may include mandatory masks, vaccines, & massive unemployment; as well as the mysterious figure Q and rumoured plans for a global financial reset.
Walking with my son Edison on 20/06/20 I talk about the American House Of Representatives Covid-19 Testing, Investigating And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act 6666 and the need to retain personal freedoms; before Edison takes centre stage.
I also refer to the speculation that a reappraisal of the Mayan calendar will result in the world ending today (June 21st) and how I have been preparing. This includes a reemphasis that spending times with loved ones remains as important as ever.
Please let me know any comments you have on these subjects.
During my walk through a Kentish orchard with my son Edison on 15 /06/20 I talk about the world ending on Saturday and what people can do to overcome the fear promoted by the media.
My son Edison embraces the space of a local deer park on 08/06/20 whilst I talk about how the death of George Floyd has overcome social distancing and created social division in the United Kingdom:
In the video I raise the subject of a new telecommunication method which is being delivered across the planet through hundreds of new satellites in space; this is a subject which people are vilified for questioning. It is reported that this is safe but what independent testing has been conducted?
At this present time, I feel that questioning the long term effects of this technology on our water based planet is valid, particularly in light of the high censorship surrounding the subject.
For now, it seems the focus of attention has shifted away from Covid-19 yet it’s looming presence and legacy remains…
During my walk with Edison on 11/05/20 I provide an update on the proposed changes to the Lockdown & the conflicting information & opinion on the subject.
In the video I mention the connection between the large corporations of Google, (including Youtube) and Facebook (which owns Whatsapp), to state departments in the United States such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency). There are numerous articles available online about this and certainly both corporations have considerable power to censor any information which breaches their guidelines. The deletion of David Icke’s Youtube channel and, Facebook page as well as removal of the ‘Plandemic’ documentary are very recent examples of this.
I also refer to the financial benefits for medical facilities in the United States. Medicare has determined that a hospital gets $13,000 if a Covid-19 patient is admitted and an additional $39,000 if the patient goes on a ventilator. This combined with the experience a colleague of mine had of a family member dying from cancer after testing negative for Covid-19, yet being diagnosed as dying from Covid-19 on their death certificate is bewildering.
Overall, there is a great deal of information and misinformation about the subject resulting in great differences in people’s opinions. As the lockdown measures slowly ease, confusion and differences in opinion are likely to increase, at a time when people’s freedom of speech may further decline.
As I mention in the video, please don’t take my opinion to be the truth, do your own research and then decide what feels right to you. Please let me know any comments you have on this subject.
During a walk with my son Edison on 02/05/20 I talk about the United Kingdom lockdown and the impact it will have on people’s lives in the future.
Here is the quote I mention in the video:
“Those who would give up essential Liberty,
to purchase a little temporary safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”
– Benjamin Franklin
In the short term we may now seem some loosening of the Lockdown measures; although more authoritarian and tighter top-down government control can be expected. It seems likely that the cost of this Lockdown will be felt for many years.
During a walk with my son Edison on 26/04/20 I talk about how the biblical prophecy of the Revelation is unfolding through current events.
“… so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.”
Revelation 13:17-18
The Microsoft patent I mention in the video is WO2020060606 which is a cryptocurrency system using body activity data – more information can be found at the below site:
Is the Revelation unfolding? Please let me know your thoughts and comments on this subject.
During an evening stroll with my son Edison on 23/04/20 I provide an update on the United Kingdom (UK) lockdown and share some advice which is shaping my outlook.
“Out of all the problems there are in the world, including today, nothing comes close to your own mind for causing you problems.”
Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante
This week we have seen negative oil prices and continuing reports about a new ‘Digital Dollar’. Are we seeing the collapse of the Petrodollar? Will it be replaced by a new digital currency?
Furthermore, World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director David Beasley yesterday warned “We could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months”. Events are regularly taking place at a pace few would have ever predicted, we must look after ourselves and our families now more than ever.
Until next time…
During a walk along the river bank with my son Edison on 18/04/20 I talk about my feelings on current events.
The Israeli Doctor I was referring to in the video was actually a Professor, Yitzhak Ben-Israel who told the Jewish Journal:
“Both in countries where they have taken closure steps, like Italy and in countries that have not had closures, like Taiwan or Singapore. In such countries, there is an increase until the fourth to sixth week, and immediately thereafter, moderation until during the eighth week, it disappears*.
Taken from: https://asiatimes.com/2020/04/israeli-professor-offers-alternate-coronavirus-prediction/ on 18/04/20.
During an afternoon stroll along the river on 12/04/20 with my son Edison I ponder how long the UK lockdown will continue for.
N.B. In the video I referred to the date as 22/04/20 rather than 12/04/20.
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