Now until the End

Tag: walking (page 3 of 4)

The Dark Winter

During a woodland walk with my son Edison on 17/10/2020 I talk about the latest restrictions being imposed in areas across the United Kingdom, the significance of United States President Donald Trump’s positive test for Covid-19 and speculate what the next six months may hold in store.

Hunting The Gruffalo

Whilst hunting for the Gruffalo with my son Edison on 22/09/20 I talk about the latest lockdown measures and how ‘the video game of life’ has gone up a level.

Walking The White Cliffs Of Dover

During my walk along the White Cliffs from Dover to St. Margarets Bay on 09/09/20 I talk about the continual impact of Covid-19 and speculate about future changes to the world financial system.

The Unreliability Of Testing

During a short walk through the woods with my son Edison on 05/09/20 I talk about some of the recent information regarding the usefulness of the Covid-19 tests & figures released from the Centre For Disease Control (CDC) in America.

Planning For Pandemic 2

During my walk with my son Edison on 22/08/20 I talk about how some normality to life has returned since the lockdown earlier in the year but express my concern about what may happen this winter.

Trains, Planes & Crazy Views

Whilst taking in the view over Folkestone with my son Edison on 30/07/20 I talk about the controversy surrounding the Covid-19 death rate and a potential correlation with 5G technology.

5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells:

Personal Freedom In a Time Of Uncertainty

Walking with my son Edison on 20/06/20 I talk about the American House Of Representatives Covid-19 Testing, Investigating And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act 6666 and the need to retain personal freedoms; before Edison takes centre stage.

I also refer to the speculation that a reappraisal of the Mayan calendar will result in the world ending today (June 21st) and how I have been preparing. This includes a reemphasis that spending times with loved ones remains as important as ever.

Please let me know any comments you have on these subjects.

Social Division & The Second Wave

My son Edison embraces the space of a local deer park on 08/06/20 whilst I talk about how the death of George Floyd has overcome social distancing and created social division in the United Kingdom:

In the video I raise the subject of a new telecommunication method which is being delivered across the planet through hundreds of new satellites in space; this is a subject which people are vilified for questioning. It is reported that this is safe but what independent testing has been conducted?
At this present time, I feel that questioning the long term effects of this technology on our water based planet is valid, particularly in light of the high censorship surrounding the subject.

For now, it seems the focus of attention has shifted away from Covid-19 yet it’s looming presence and legacy remains…

Covid-19 & The Seeds of Unrest

During a walk with my son Edison on 18/05/20 I talk about the fast progress being made to develop a Covid-19 vaccine and how opinions about the new way of life are causing people to fall out with each other.

In the video I state the date as 16th March 2020 when I should have stated the date as 18th May 2020.

In addition, I state the United Kingdom’s target for testing each day is 100,000 people when it had increased to 200,000 per day.

The times we are living in are moving very fast.

Walking With Edison 18/04/20

During a walk along the river bank with my son Edison on 18/04/20 I talk about my feelings on current events.

The Israeli Doctor I was referring to in the video was actually a Professor, Yitzhak Ben-Israel who told the Jewish Journal:

“Both in countries where they have taken closure steps, like Italy and in countries that have not had closures, like Taiwan or Singapore.  In such countries, there is an increase until the fourth to sixth week, and immediately thereafter, moderation until during the eighth week, it disappears*.

Taken from: on 18/04/20.

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