Now until the End

Tag: Woodland (page 2 of 2)

Hunting The Gruffalo

Whilst hunting for the Gruffalo with my son Edison on 22/09/20 I talk about the latest lockdown measures and how ‘the video game of life’ has gone up a level.

The Unreliability Of Testing

During a short walk through the woods with my son Edison on 05/09/20 I talk about some of the recent information regarding the usefulness of the Covid-19 tests & figures released from the Centre For Disease Control (CDC) in America.

Planning For Pandemic 2

During my walk with my son Edison on 22/08/20 I talk about how some normality to life has returned since the lockdown earlier in the year but express my concern about what may happen this winter.

QAnon & The New Era Of Peace

During my walk with my son Edison on 05/07/20 I raise the subject of the emerging QAnon movement and how a new era of world peace may be closer than expected.

Woodland Walk & Nesara Gesara

During my walk with my son Edison on 04/07/2020 I talk about how the future of our society may include mandatory masks, vaccines, & massive unemployment; as well as the mysterious figure Q and rumoured plans for a global financial reset.

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