Now until the End

Tag: world

The Royal Saxon Way – Lyminge to Breach

Setting off from Lyminge along the Royal Saxon Way on 02/11/22 I walk through the tranquil, livestock fields of the Elham Valley. As I progress, I update on the new British Prime Minister and the gloomy circumstances of a hybrid war with Russia; before mulling over the future options to continue my pilgrimage.

A Camp In The Woods

During a woodland stroll through Hamstreet nature reserve in Kent on 28/03/2021, I update on the lockdown and easing of Covid-19 restrictions in the United Kingdom and find a camp with my three year old son Edison.

Planning For Pandemic 2

During my walk with my son Edison on 22/08/20 I talk about how some normality to life has returned since the lockdown earlier in the year but express my concern about what may happen this winter.

Social Division & The Second Wave

My son Edison embraces the space of a local deer park on 08/06/20 whilst I talk about how the death of George Floyd has overcome social distancing and created social division in the United Kingdom:

In the video I raise the subject of a new telecommunication method which is being delivered across the planet through hundreds of new satellites in space; this is a subject which people are vilified for questioning. It is reported that this is safe but what independent testing has been conducted?
At this present time, I feel that questioning the long term effects of this technology on our water based planet is valid, particularly in light of the high censorship surrounding the subject.

For now, it seems the focus of attention has shifted away from Covid-19 yet it’s looming presence and legacy remains…

The Post-Corona Organisations

Below is a list of influential international organisations likely to become more prominent in the post-Corona world.

United Nations (Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030)
World Health Organisation
International Monetary Fund
World Bank
Bilderberg Group
World Economic Forum
Rockefeller Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

I encourage anyone interested to research these organisations further.

Corona Chaos

I usually dont blog so often but things have moved so quickly recently.  Last week life seemed normal whilst watching Champions League football at home on TV with a packed Anfield crowd now only eleven days later the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson is using wartime language and the United States of America President Donald Trump has declared a state of emergency.  Social media is awash that the United Kingdom may go into lockdown following many other countries around the world.  Panic is high and likely to get worse.  What is going on?

First I would like to state I wish to be positive but have many concerns.  World financial collapse, martial law, the marginalisation of the elderly in future have all become more likely since 12th March; when Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebryesus, Director-General of the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a ‘pandemic’. This has set the world’s media alight as the ‘coronavirus’ become commonly known as ‘Covid-19’.  This has resulted in panic buying and fights over toilet roll.  A friend commented that a point was reached this week when it became rational to panic buy and stock up on food.  Society’s reaction and perception to the problem has been immense fear.

I watched a Youtube video posted by Truthstream Media (link below) which comments:

“Repetition is the simplest form of brainwashing and all I hear is wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.  But, here is something else you need to know.

All of the things that start in your body start on a psychic level”.

At a time of great fear and panic, the crown (corona in Spanish) chakra shuts down and we lose our connection with life energy and divinity.  Without this energy human beings tend to feel disconnected with others and our joie de vivre is likely to decrease.  It will therefore be even more important to focus on our spiritual connection so we can find creative solutions to the challenges ahead.  The video leads on to a poem to take inspiration from Frank Hubert – Dune.

“I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I remain”.

I pray for a miracle that the world will overcome this panic and breakdown of society.  Hopefully the warmer weathers of Spring will reduce the outbreak and some normality will be resumed.  The world has been shook by this and the tremors will last for many years.  Amidst so much fear, our ability to love and support each other will be tested more than ever by self isolation and social distancing. This is the beginning of a new world and without healing our inner fears, our external world may manifest as a future Hunger Games society.  This crisis offers an opportunity for a great awakening, to find new, responsible ways to interact with our environment and with each other;  may the odds be ever in our favour.

Link to video:”RBi7HbNdWA

Walking With Edison – Mersham Deer Park 19/03/20

Walking with my son Edison through Mersham Deer Park on 19/03/20  I comment and speculate about current and future events.


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